Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"My Battle, My Bottle, My Brain"

    My battle with my brain rages on incessantly. My brain against my brain. Clearly, there can be no winner in this war. I may as well drink. You see? It's like that. "One alcoholic helping another" does seem about my only hope for a continuing recovery. "We have seen the enemy and he is us" is about how Pogo expressed it in Walt Kelly's comic strip. My brain is lame. Hence, thus, therefore: lamebrain.
    Suffering for my 'art' ends here. Recovery for myself starts here. I did not drink today and that is that.
Evening Meditation:
    On 'Land's End', the edge of a lake in Mays Landing, New Jersey. In a drunken stupor a couple of relapses ago. I don't think I consciously chose to be a dying drunk at the water's edge. Each grain of sand along the water's edge could have been an epiphany if I had had the power to feel. Survival of the fittest seemed to have taken over when I was no longer able to fight. Sweet surrender: what I could not yet know.
    “One’s destination is never a place, but rather a new way of looking at things.”
Henry Miller

Question for Today:
    Can the past, too, be infinite or are all the stones already carved?
from All Drinking Aside (Rough Draft, Day 43)

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