(Surimi): Sotto, Vatchi! Don't let Jim pull you down when he gets lost in thoughts of his own mindless past, his path. But let me add here, Sotto, I like what you just said there about alcoholism being a developmental disability. You've said a mouthful. And as Jim just said, it is crippling. Alcohol has a crippling effect on alcoholics, slow erosion, years in the making, the unmaking, the taking.
And Vatchi, please, Jim has hope, or at least, let me say this: I still have hope for him.
I must change. I have changed. I am changing. I must conjugate my recovery. Recovery as a verb, as action. I used to get drunk. And then I was a drunk, a drink, and then nothing. Blind. I was blind. The eye that could not see itself and then could not see at all. Blind drunk, ten ways to someday.
I must change. I have changed. I am changing.
from All Drinking Aside (Rough Draft, Day 59)
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