Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How Does He Do It?

“They say that God is everywhere, and yet we always think of Him as somewhat of a recluse.” 
Source Unknown

Morning Meditation:
    Ego is the crack cocaine of recovery.

  At some point in what I thought would be later described as a glorious drinking career (I had accepted that I would never stop drinking and that I would never let it get worse), I had to up my game by introducing other drugs to improve my skill, my cunning, my power, my control.

    Once, I was so proud of being admired for being totally annihilated and yet, like a cat thrown into the air, able to land on my feet again. I was a walking miracle. I was the baffling magic man.

    "How does he do it?" Everyone asked.
    I did not know then that my drinking career would soon make me implode and that eventually, once I got sober, my ego would have me implode again and put a new, first drink into my hand. from All Drinking Aside (Rough Draft, Day 62)

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