Saturday, January 5, 2013

Our Future Selves

(Sotto): Some imagined future vision of our selves. We hold it up to the light like a snifter of fine cognac. And yet, we’re judged by others by our past, like a child’s lemonade stand. For the most part, others view us and judge us only by our behavior. Our own sense of self includes our as yet unfulfilled potential. Jim thought that one day his drinking could become more manageable.
    "I'll show them!" drinking has always been my most catastrophic. All it has ever shown "them" is what a chronic alcoholic I am. My last "I'll show them!" drink resulted in a four-day binge that got me neatly strapped into a hospital bed and nearly fired from my job.
from All Drinking Aside (Rough Draft, Day 77)

1 comment:

  1. Thankfully, you lived to tell the tale. Not so much that you were strapped down.
