Saturday, January 5, 2013


(Surimi): The rage of addiction. A raging fire. A raging madman. Jim goes from raging alcoholic to "subtle innuendoes of sobriety."
    Some people have said that A.A. employs brainwashing techniques. Guess what? I think Jim's brain needed a good washing.
    His greed for chemical relief has faded.
    He's gone green.
    Fresh. Fresh coat of paint. New glasses. New ears, too, by his account.
    Loneliness, anger and resentments are all a part of my sobriety, but these and others and all emotions are more manageable sober without an unimaginable, unmanageable drink overhead, in my head.
    Let it go. Let it flow. I can do this.
    I never could have known this. Today I am sober.
from All Drinking Aside (Rough Draft, Day 79)

1 comment:

  1. How can something so terrifying as a raging fire be so attractive? Running into burning buildings while everyone else is running away.
    Essence of addiction and powerlessness to fire.
    Normal people can't see fire the way they do. They live for that call.
